Cool Tips About cooking


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Women Must Know! Cool Tips About Kitchen World.

  1. So that the boiled eggs are not difficult to peel, don’t forget to dip them in ice water when the eggs are just cooked/still hot.
  2. So that the chili does not explode when fried, don’t forget to stab or cut the chili a little with a knife before frying.
  3. When washing kale, arnong/watercress or genjer and other aquatic plants, don’t forget to rinse first, add a spoonful of salt and then let it sit for a while so that small animals that may live on the stems and leaves die. Usually those who like to hang out there are leeches, snails, caterpillars and water worms (broccoli and cauliflower also often have caterpillars, so don’t forget to also use this method).
  4. To make the tofu more durable when stored, wash it thoroughly with water, then flush with hot water, then wipe with kitchen tissue, store in tupperware, close tightly, then place in the refrigerator. God willing, it can last up to 1 week.
  5. To find out if the egg is rotten or not, use the water float test, if it floats on the water, it means that the egg is rotten.
  6. When going to beat eggs for various kinds of cakes, make sure the eggs are at room temperature (not cold because they just came out of the refrigerator, this can prevent the dough from rising).
  7. If you store vegetables in the refrigerator, do not use plastic bags, but use old newspapers and or magazines. Because this way you can prevent vegetable dew from pooling which can cause vegetables to rot quickly
  8. To neutralize odors in the refrigerator, split the potatoes and place them on the refrigerator shelf, potatoes can eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.
  9. When going to beat eggs for various kinds of cakes, make sure the eggs are at room temperature (not cold because they just came out of the refrigerator, this can prevent the dough from rising).
  10. If you store vegetables in the refrigerator, do not use plastic bags, but use old newspapers and or magazines. Because this way you can prevent vegetable dew from pooling which can cause vegetables to rot quickly
  11. To neutralize odors in the refrigerator, split the potatoes and place them on the refrigerator shelf, potatoes can eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.
  12. So that the eyes do not hurt when slicing red onions, place a container of salt next to the cutting board, this way, God willing, is effective in preventing the eyes from stinging.
  13. To prevent rice bugs from visiting the rice, place a plastic bag containing a few tablespoons of ground coffee, then poke a small hole in the plastic. Rice lice don’t like the smell of coffee. So God willing, he will not dare to come to rice.
  14. If the cooking utensils are dull due to stains from colored spices such as turmeric/turmeric, or a pan that is too often made to boil water, it turns yellowish. Immediately take a spoonful of baking soda, give a little water, rub it into the pan, let stand for a while, then rinse. If there are still stains can be repeated again.
  15. So that the kates flower, kate leaves / papaya and bitter gourd are not too bitter when cooked, it is better before sauteing them for a while in boiling water
    guava leaves (how to boil water, take a few guava leaves, wait for it to boil, add guava leaves, wait +- 5 minutes, add flowers/papaya leaves/pare) let it sit for a while, turn off the heat. Only after that drain and ready to be cooked according to taste (if the papaya leaves are for kulupan, can be boiled until cooked with guava leaves).
  16. So that tempeh does not rot easily, do not store it near salt.
  17. If storing meat in the freezer, make sure the meat does not go in and out of the freezer repeatedly, as this can make bacteria breed. It’s better to cut the meat first according to the estimated needs for each time it’s cooked and store it in small plastic separately, so that when you are about to take it, you can take it as needed.
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