Home Food this is indian fried bread? dont try

this is indian fried bread? dont try

fried bread

Pontianak Special Fried Bread Smooth and Soft

The ingredients of fried bread

  • 400g medium protein flour
  • 180 ml water
  • 30g butter
  • 1 tbsp milk powder
  • 60g sugar
  • 1 tbsp instant yeast
  • 1 whole egg

1 cup srikaya jam

How to Make fried bread

  1. Mix all the bread ingredients and knead until smooth, then let stand until it has doubled in size. Deflate the dough again, take the dough then shape it into an elongated round, do the same thing until the dough runs out. Let stand again until fluffy, after expanding fry the bread in hot oil until slightly browned, remove and drain.
  2. Fill it with srikaya jam
  3. Bread is ready to be enjoyed


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