Home Food Nona Manis traditional indonesian recipe

Nona Manis traditional indonesian recipe

nona manis

Nona Manis is one of the most famous types of traditional Indonesian cakes and has a delicious sweet taste. Here are some ingredients and how to make Miss Manis cake:


250 grams of wheat flour
75 grams of sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 chicken eggs
1 teaspoon whiting water
1 teaspoon vanilla
Right amount of oil

How to make

  1. Mix flour, sugar and salt in a bowl.
  2. Add chicken eggs, whiting water, and vanilla to the flour, sugar, and salt mixture. Stir until well blended and the dough becomes smooth.
  3. Leave the dough for 30 minutes.
  4. Heat cooking oil in a skillet.
  5. Take a little dough with a spoon, then put it into the hot cooking oil. Fried until cooked and yellowish.
  6. Pick up the cooked Nona Manis cake,


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