everything you need to prepare before applying for a scholarship


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In doing any activity, the result may not meet expectations if you don’t prepare things properly—
including applying for scholarships.

The preparation that must be done to apply for a scholarship, of course, is not only intentional capital. There are so many things that you really have to pay attention to and prepare even as early as possible, because not all preparations can you do it instantly. You also have to understand this preparation and carry out in accordance with applicable regulations in order to improve your chance to get the coveted scholarship. I don’t want to, please, if until you fail to get a scholarship just because of your preparation or not maximum?

Broadly speaking, there are three things that you must prepare thoroughly possible to apply for domestic and foreign scholarships. That matter is…

Grade Preparation

As we all know, one of the requirements for applying for a scholarship is a requirement academic. You must meet standard grades (or GPA if you have college) before applying for a scholarship. Well, for To prepare for this one requirement, you definitely have to maintain a track record of your grades during school/college.

So, what should be prepared from an academic point of view?

  • Start saving grades as early as 10th grade. Especially if your target scholarship is merit scholarship, then the track record of good grades is a certainty. do not chase the value at the last second. Make sure your grades are stable (or if you can increase) until the semester in which you apply for the related scholarship. A declining grade indicates a lack of persistence and discipline in learning so it might reduce your chances of getting a scholarship
  • Always monitor your academic scores have met the minimum required threshold or not yet. It’s impossible, please, you “force” to register for the scholarship the minimum academic score requirement is 80, while the value you pocket only reached 70?

Pursuing grades is also not limited to the classroom, really. There are many achievements and achievements that you can achieve to get high scores required to apply for a scholarship. For example by following competitions, training, or even as simple as participating in useful activities.

Because the values ​​you will get from the non-academic realm are not always in the form of numbers, these are the things you should pay attention to in process to get it.

  • Make sure that you are pursuing grades that are relevant to the scholarship you are looking for. For example, if you are looking for a medical scholarship, it’s better if you join OSN Biology instead of an English debate competition so you can “sell” yourself with appropriate for scholarship selectors.
  • Besides being relevant, try to make achievements at the provincial level at least. If can be national and international level, even better. The higher the achievement scale the more you achieve, the higher your perception of competitiveness where the selectors
  • How about training? It’s the same with competition activities, training what you follow should be relevant to the field you want to study with scholarship assistance and on a broad scale. Be sure to take official training and certified, yes.
  • Whatever type of activity you do, don’t forget to always prioritize quality than quantity. What is judged is the output you produce with achievements that, not a long line of achievements on paper that may not even be add value to you. It’s okay if you just made it carve out a few achievements, the important thing is that your achievements are prestigious!

Administrative Preparation

Prepare important documents for scholarship registration too takes a while, you know. Highly recommended for you take a few weeks or months before signing up for prepare the necessary documents, so that you don’t panic.

To take care of just one document you need up to 1-2 weeks, imagine how much time it will take if the scholarship you are going to register asking for dozens of files? It sure took a long time!

Important documents required usually vary, depending on the with the type and needs ofe scholarship provider you registered. In general, important documents that are usually required to register scholarships include:

  • Photocopy of report cards, diplomas, and transcripts
  • Birth certificate
  • ID card (KTP, SIM, passport)
  • Passport photo with white background
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Then, the documents below are also often required for: apply for certain scholarships.

  1. Parents salary slip
  2. Certificate of underprivileged from RT/RW/Kelurahan (if you to scholarships for students with economic limitations)
  3. Certificate of good behavior
  4. Photocopy of savings book (if the aid funds are transferred to their respective savings accounts)
  5. Statement letter that you are not receiving a scholarship from anywhere

Because not all scholarship applications go abroad using the form, there are several scholarships that require you to make a short summary of yourself in the form of a Curriculum Vitae (CV). In addition, there are also other additional documents needed such as motivation letters and essays. More about documents we will discuss this in the next guide, yes.

Mental Preparation

It’s not just the value and administrative requirements, you’re also mentally no less important to be prepared as well as possible. The little things (but most crucial) that not many people know about scholarships is sometimes the preparation not only makes you tired physically, but also tired mentally.

So, from now on, you have to prepare your mental carefully before you are ready to apply for a scholarship, by…

  • Research, research, research! If your understanding of scholarships is still limited to “can learn” it’s free because it’s paid for by people” means that your knowledge about scholarships is still very, very minimal.

our mentality can suddenly swell like squashed tempeh if you really are do not enrich themselves with knowledge about scholarships as much and as deeply as possible. It’s time for you to feel ready for a challenger will live something without knowing what you will actually live

In addition to recognizing the types of scholarships and the specific criteria and conditions required, required to register, you also shouldn’t forget to check out the experiences of the the previous recipient of the scholarship you are seeking. Ask alumni or brothers classes you know about how they can get scholarships that are you mean. From there, you can take the characteristics of the scholarship recipients and what you have to do to be successful like them.

  • Set targets, not expectations. Big mistake that makes the mental scholarship seekers who are easy to collapse are rushing to eat the “heaven wind” that obtained after research. Duh, even though the scholarship recipient brought Bigger responsibility than you can imagine!

From the start, you have to understand well that the scholarship will only comes to those who persevere. Starting from trying to learn and
reaping the achievements to be able to meet the criteria to go crazy over there come here to take care of that so-and-so file to complete the requirements.

You should know that those who manage to get scholarships not those who set expectations, but targets.

Yup, if you’re just imagining what you can do if You get a scholarship, you are not going anywhere. But, if you set goals instead of just expectations, you won’t disappointed with whatever results you will get.

By setting a target, you will know what your real goal is in applying for a scholarship. You know what you’re going to do, and it can be a positive driver that will be reflected in your sincerity in the process. Remember, there is no chance for those who are only trying half heartedly to get scholarship!

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