donuts near me, bomboloni donut recipes by expert


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donuts near me, DONuT (bomboloni) Recipe

source: Mr Imam Abu Salman

A special order because my husband ordered it for his work friends. actually any donut recipe is ok as long as the step by step is correct, and what is certain is that the quality of the ingredients affects it.

Bomboloni donut ingredients

  • 500 gr medium protein flour
  • 60 gr sugar
  • 5 gr instant yeast
  • 7 g salt
  • 2 egg yolks
  • ± 250 gr cold water (I replace fresh milk)
  • 60 gr Butter/Margarine (I use anchor)
donuts near me, bomboloni donut recipes by expert - baking recipe, donuts
donut near me bomboloni

Steps for making bomboloni donuts

  1. Mix all ingredients except margarine and salt. Knead until half smooth.
  2. Add margarine and salt, knead again until smooth.
  3. Weigh the dough @ 35 gr, according to taste [mine is 40 gr], and round it. Do it until it runs out.
  4. Rest ± 30 minutes. Make a hole in the donut with your finger then rest for ± 45 minutes. (Bomboloni model skip this step)
  5. Because I made it manually, I didn’t use a mold.
  6. Fry in plenty of oil at a temperature of 170-180°C. Wait until cooked on one side then flip until cooked on the other side.
  7. Lift drain and desired.
  8. Donuts are ready to be topping according to taste.

Donuts near me Bomboloni Donuts (AUTOLYSE METHOD)

This is my fourth attempt. Yes, I’ve failed 3 times. I’ll include a photo when I fail. But there are only trials 2 and 3. The trial 1 didn’t have time to take photos.

Don’t give up. If Mother said, the recipe is only a complement. But our understanding of the recipe itself is what matters. I also recook the basic recipe from his recipe. It’s just that I use margarine and butter in the mix. Also I use the autolyse method (full ingredients) because I still don’t have a mixer. I watched his 4 videos slowly. As a result I can make donuts like this.

Yield: 10 pieces

Ingredient A:
125 gr high protein flour
125 gr medium protein flour
2 egg yolks, refrigerator temperature, beat off
120 ml of liquid milk, refrigerator temperature
25 gr granulated sugar (if you can finely ground)

Ingredient B:
3 g instant yeast
30 gr butter and margarine (mix), frozen
1/4 tsp salt

Chocolate Vla:
25 gr DCC
1 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp sugar
1/2 tbsp full cream milk powder (white)
75 ml liquid milk

3 tbsp powdered sugar
350 ml of cooking oil

How to make donuts with the autolysis method (bomboloni) one of donuts near me in simple ways

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl or large bowl. For liquid milk poured little by little, it could be less or too much. I fit 120 ml.
  2. Knead the dough until well blended. Then cover tightly with plastic wrap. Leave it for 6-8 hours.
  3. After 6-8 hours. Mix the dough with yeast. Knead until the yeast is evenly mixed. Add the melted butter and margarine mixture and salt. Knead until smooth and slightly shiny. It doesn’t need to be too elastic. Because donuts are not bread.
  4. Round the dough. Cover the basin with a napkin. Leave it for 5 minutes.
  5. Take about 40 grams of dough, then round it. And arrange on parchment paper that has been dusted with flour. Each dough uses 1 parchment paper that has been cut into small pieces.
  6. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or a napkin. Leave it for 1 hour. Or until it expands 2 times. Depends on the temperature of each area.
  7. Roll out the dough when it has almost doubled in size.
  8. Before the dough rises completely, heat the oil until it is really hot over medium heat. I use a concave pan.
  9. Enter the donuts. I put only 2 balls for each frying. Because he was too worried if he failed again. But actually 3 circles can also.
  10. Fry until brown. Remove and place on a cooling rack.
  11. To make the chocolate vla, put all the ingredients in a non-stick pan. Stir well. Then heat it on low heat. Stir until thickened. Lift. Stir until the hot steam is gone, then put in the plastic triangle. Cool in the refrigerator.
  12. Make a hole in the donut with chopsticks. Then coat with powdered sugar. Fill it with chocolate vla. Serve.


  • I use butter and margarine royl plm*a, so there is no need to measure per ingredient.
  • I heat the oil for 3-5 minutes because I don’t have a thermometer yet. It’s better if you check using a thermometer. Oil temperature 175-180° Celsius.
  • 1:1 flour ratio between high and medium protein. Moderate protein can be more. If you expect doughnuts that are thick but not flat, the dose of high pro flour should not be more than medium protein.

donuts near me Donuts Bomboloni that definitely works

Have fun making bread, donuts and pizza. But today again I want to make donuts that have no holes, aka BOMBOLONI. All donut recipes can be made bomboloni. But I like to use Mr. Imam Abu Salman Yang where it seems that every beginner who wants to make donuts will definitely succeed with his recipe.

  • 500 gr medium protein flour.
  • 60 g of sugar.
  • 5 grams of instant yeast.
  • 7 grams of salt.
  • 2 egg yolks.
  • ± 250 grams of cold water.
  • 60 gr margarine.

How to make donuts

  1. Mix all ingredients except margarine. Knead until half smooth.
  2. Add margarine, knead again until smooth.
  3. Weigh the dough @ 35 gr and round it. Then rest ± 30 minutes.
  4. Coat a little flour, then press with the palm of the hand.
  5. Rest ± 45 minutes until doubled in size.
  6. Fry in plenty of oil at a temperature of 170-180°C. Wait until cooked on one side then flip until cooked on the other side.
  7. Lift drain and desired.
  8. Donuts are ready to be filled according to taste.

donuts near me Soft and durable Bomboloni donuts

donuts near me bomboloni donut

ONLY 1 x PROFING and try to combine these 2 flours the results are soft and soft, durable, REAL.. TRY IT..

  • 400 gr high protein flour
  • 100 gr Medium protein flour
  • 20 gr milk powder
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp yeast
  • 90 gr sugar
  • 300 ml liquid milk
  • 60 gr margarine
  • tsp salt

Filling :
100 gr chocolate jam

How to make Bomboloni Donuts soft and durable

  • Put all ingredients except margarine and salt into the container
  • knead until mixed, then add margarine and salt, knead until elastic
  • divide the dough with a weight of 50 grams each or according to taste, round or rounding
  • profing 45 minutes while covering the dough with a cloth
  • fry in hot oil with only 1 turn
  • Make a hole in the edge of the donut with chopsticks, roll it in powdered sugar and then add the chocolate jam
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