recipe and how to cook “solo” saussage


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Solo sausage is a typical food or snack from the city of Solo, Central Java province, which is made from ground beef or chicken and then wrapped in an egg omelette. Adopted from sausage in the Dutch colonial era, then it was changed and adapted to the local spices and styles of the Solo people so that it became a regional specialty. It is said that it is said that Kanjeng Sunan Pakubowono X himself composed and mixed the first time but another source said that the Solo Sausage was made because people wanted to try the favorite food of the Dutch Meneers and Noni. Although the result of the adoption of foreign food, the taste and appearance of Solo Sausage is very distinctive and different from sausages in other areas.

There are 2 types of Sausage Solo known, namely:

  • Sausage Solo Basah is a steamed solo sausage.
  • Fried Solo Sausage.

here are a few choices of solo sausage recipes that you can try

solo saussage

Sausage Solo skin

  • 250 grams of wheat flour
  • 3 tbsp cooking oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 500-600 ml of water (I use 500 ml)

2 egg whites

isian sosis solo

  • 500 grams of chicken breast, boiled then cut into small cubes or simply shredded.
  • 6 cloves of red onion
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 pieces of roasted hazelnut
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 segment of geprek galangal
  • tsp nutmeg powder
  • 1½ tsp salt (to taste)
  • 1 tsp broth powder
  • tsp pepper powder
  • 65 ml instant coconut milk
  • ± 200 ml broth

How to Make

  1. Puree the onion, garlic and candlenut then put it in the pan, add the chicken meat, add water, coconut milk, sugar, salt, pepper powder, nutmeg powder and broth powder and leave it until the water shrinks but don’t let it dry out.
  2. Don’t forget to taste it, when it’s right, turn off the stove, let it cool before it’s ready to be used for the solo sausage stuffing.

How to Make Sausage Solo

  1. Mix all the skin ingredients, mix well and then strain so that the results are smooth. For the addition of water, you should use 500ml first, I’m afraid it’s too runny. Because the size of the egg greatly affects the provision of water.
  2. After the dough is filtered and then printed with a Teflon pan to finish. For me, as soon as the skin is cooked, I immediately fill 1 sheet so it’s faster and so that I don’t need to apply adhesive again, because if the skin is still hot, it will be rolled up, it will close by itself without needing to be smeared again. Oh yes, at the beginning, I smeared some cooking oil with the Teflon, then wiped it with a tissue, then I didn’t rub it again.
  3. When all the skins have been printed, then fill them with ± 1 tablespoon and then fold them. Do it until it’s done.
  4. Heat the cooking oil, then dip the sausage solo into the egg white and fry until slightly browned. Lift and drain.
  5. Serve…

solo saussage for Keto diet

This Solo Sausage I made from beef with the addition of enough fat, from the addition of butter and coconut milk. I also choose the meat which is fatty and I grind it. It’s like that, if I usually only steam the Solo Sausage, then specifically for Keto Warrior, after it’s steamed, I still fry this sausage as long as it’s hot in oil. The result is a moist Solo Sausage inside and out, full of fat. Good luck.

Phase: Induction – Consolidation – Maintenance

10 eggs
1 tsp salt
30 ml coconut milk (1/2 small sachet)

250 gr minced meat, chill
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter
30 ml coconut milk

VCO oil for sauteing and frying

HOW TO MAKE solo saussage

  1. Sausage Skin: Mixer/blender all ingredients until smooth, thin omelette, one omelette one tablespoon of vegetables, do it until all the dough runs out
  2. CONTENTS: saute onions, garlic, salt, pepper, and nutmeg until fragrant and onions are wilted, let cool.
  3. Combine the sauteed spices, minced meat, coconut milk, and butter. Stir well. Shape with size finger by finger
  4. SOLUTION: take an omelette, give ground beef, and fold like risoles, do it until all the dough is folded.
  5. Steam for about 15 minutes. Let it cool. Prepare oil for frying, over low heat only. Fry the Solo Sausage briefly. Lift. Serve.
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