tips and tricks about using Air fryer


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this time I show off knowledge, but not black magic. Actually, it’s not science, just all the tips and tricks about using the Air fryer that I know. Who knows, that’s good. If you don’t know, you can read about it.

What is the difference between an oven and an air fryer?

There are two kinds of ovens, convection ovens or in Indonesian, convection ovens and ordinary ovens. The convection oven has a fan in it so that what is being baked cooks more evenly, because the heat is spread by the fan to all parts of the oven like the Corona virus. While a regular oven only relies on heat from the element, the one near the heating element can cook or brown more quickly. If we put the nuggets in a regular oven, the results are not crisp when heated using a convection oven and air fryer. And the results of the air fryer are even crisper than the results of a convection oven. As fresh as my joke.

The results of air fryer frying compared to ordinary oil fried, far away. The oil khan adds to the taste. But for those who limit oil, an air fryer can be an option. Like I chose to be single all this time for the sake of red packets on Chinese New Year.

Because fried food is not as good as fried oil, if you want it to be delicious, you can trick it by spraying with cooking oil (use spray spray, don’t spray Bygn let alone Gld floral). Yes, it’s better than not using oil. Spray oil, the use of oil is also not as much as if it is submerged in ordinary frying, let alone deep fried.

Air Fryer is not suitable for wet frying. I’m sorry I can. But the original does not fit. Wet dough needs hot oil to make the dough rise, bloom and be hollow or porous. So don’t make a prayer using an air fryer, okay? After all, the air fryer’s capacity is usually limited, so you can pray for a few seeds many times. Imagine making mendoan using an air fryer for one RT person, until the soap opera Ikatan Cinta ends, the frying process is not finished yet. Yes, if you only make 4 seeds, it’s okay to use an air fryer.

Don’t put ingredients attached to the air fryer (distance pandemic). Air fryers need space to spread the heat. The less content and the farther apart the arrangement of what is processed, the better the results. Like a long-distance love relationship, far apart or breaking up, isn’t that good.

You can make bread using an air fryer. Better bread in the form of grains than the model of the mattress close together (again, the pandemic must keep your distance). Because if you don’t bake it right, the bottom tends to be immature, the circulation effect is only stuck at the top, the bottom is blocked by the heat. It can be tricked by turning it over and putting it in the air fryer again for a few minutes to cook the bottom.

just all the tips and tricks about using the Air fryer that I know.

Just like the oven, air fryer, each product is different. You have to get to know each other first (not to talk to you, bro, you’ll look stressed). Sometimes in recipes people use this temperature, that’s the time. Not necessarily the same time or temperature in other brands. Because there is an air fryer that lasts a long time because the power is small.

Referring to point number 7, small watts does not always mean energy saving. Many manufacturers produce low-power air fryers solely for those with small electrical power in their homes, so they can still be used even if the house does not have thousands of watts of electricity. The small wattage for an electric heater means that it heats up a bit longer. Not as fast as the big watts. It’s usually like that. Remember the saying, raft upstream, swim to shore. The important thing is to turn it on first, heat it later.

Many air fryers in foreign countries usually use Fahrenheit temperature, while air fryers in Indonesia use Celsius on average. so be careful if you look at the recipe from the outside. Especially if there is no translation, plus we can’t speak English.

Chicken without coating flour or just smeared with marinated spices, put in an air fryer is suitable. So it’s kind of like oven chicken. The fat in the chicken skin also makes us not have to spray cooking oil. The oil will come out on its own when in the air fryer (don’t put yourself in to remove the fat). But if it’s coated with flour, you can spray it with oil if you want it to be delicious. If not, the result will be dry and dry like a wallet on an old date.

Do not expect to be able to fry or cook vegetables such as eggplant using an air fryer. The result will be wrinkled, not soft or mushy like fried. Because the air fryer tends to dry the liquid in the ingredients that are added. It’s okay with potatoes, because the drier the outside, the better. Not all vegetables that can be fried in oil in a frying pan can have the same results as fried using an air fryer. Because the texture of each vegetable is different. Some are hot and even become chips. So try it first. Ignore the ad words, “Make your child try it.”

Because the recipe for the air fryer temperature and time can be different, it’s a good idea to choose an air fryer that can be peeked without stopping the process (peeking like this won’t cause stye). Because sometimes you are really lazy, you have to repeat pressing the temperature and time buttons. My air fryer can be invited to peek-a-boo. If it’s still cooking, I want to know how cooked it is, I can open it for a while, ask how it’s been, close it again, and the process can continue (can be paused). This is one of the functions in the air fryer that is important to me. Because the information about how long to cook the various ingredients is different. Must trial and error.

just all the tips and tricks about using the Air fryer

Adjust the capacity according to the number of servings and the number of family members. Don’t have a large family or a small family but eat a lot, choose a small capacity. It’s the same as giving life to yourself.

Diligently wash the air fryer basket on the river bank after use. Do not if there are stains or dirty use again. It’s even difficult to get rid of it later, like getting rid of a toxic friend. It’s dry and sticks badly because it’s hot again.

What is safe to enter in the air fryer other than foodstuffs? Not BPKB, let alone a marriage certificate, bro. Everything that is safe to put in the oven, is safe to go into the air fryer as long as it is enough. So such as aluminum cups, aluminum foil, baking paper, silicone molds or anything that is heat resistant, all can be used in an air fryer.
Until here, let’s talk about the Air Fryer. If there’s something new, I’ll add it if I don’t forget. Forget destiny. I closed my display of knowledge this time by singing Head, Shoulders, Knees, Legs twelve times, making sure my joints were not problematic. See you at the next show. Stay healthy.

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